July 3rd-7th, 2023

Registration is now open: here
In the framework of the DECEL project, co-funded by European Union, we organized in Tours the DECEL week. During five days (July 3rd-7th, 2023), international teams of students will address a common project based on Digital Electronics Systems. Several workshops and webinars will be also proposed during this special week. Additional information will be published soon, but registration is already open for students and teachers comming from the universities included in the project consortium (Universidad de Alcalá (UAH), Universidade do Porto, Università degli studi di Ferrara and Université de Tours) .
General program:

Collaborative project:
- Goal: to see in the dark waters !
- Team work: acquisition of ultrasonic signals into water and image reconstruction using the redpitaya platform at different levels of abstraction (from Verilog to python!).
- Team of students from the 4 universities of the ERASMUS+ DECEL project (Univs. Porto, Alcala, Ferrara, and Tours)
Confirmed speakers:
- Emmanuel Grandin, STMicroelectronics, General Purpose Microcontroller Sub-Group, Senior Software Architect

- Prof. Caroline Richard, Univ. Tours, Smart2M seminar

- Corentin Cornu, Laboratoire BioMaps, Univ. Paris Saclay


Registration is now open (for 20 students): here