DECEL achievements
In order to almost round off this magnificent DECEL project, here’s an infographic summarizing all the project’s actions and successes. These include two summer schools, training for teachers, courses and even inter-university hybrid TPs, as well as various practical proposals and achievements (remote TP solutions, etc.): NB: DECEL is an ERASMUS+ project co-financed by the […]
Review of the DECEL Training in Ferrara
From September 1st to 7th, 20 students from the four Universities of the DECEL project had the opportunity of participating in the DECEL C3 event, co-financed by the European Union and organized by the University of Ferrara. This event promoted international collaboration among students from the University of Ferrara, the University of Tours, the University […]
[call] DECEL training 2024 (C3) in Ferrara
In the framework of the DECEL project, co-funded by the European Union, we organized in Ferrara (Italy) the second edition of the DECEL week. During five days (September 2 to 6, 2024), international teams of students will address a common project based on Digital Electronics Systems. Several workshops and webinars will be also proposed during […]
The first DECEL COIL Activity : shared courses between Univs. Tours and Ferrara
We’re excited to share the success of the first-ever COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) activity, a joint effort between the University of Ferrara and the University of Tours! This groundbreaking initiative allows students from both institutions to take a deep dive into the world of Xilinx FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) and Vivado Design Suite, […]
DECEL PRIO Module is here !
In order to connect some of our students’ digital electronics classes from the 4 universities involved in the DECEL project consortium, we have developed a super hardware platform that is efficient, minimalist, and allows a wide range of teaching scenarios to be grafted onto it. This Programmable Remote Input/Output (PRIO) module is a microcontroller (Arduino […]
Documentation and Outcomes of the C2 training in Tours
Digital Electronics Collaborative Enhanced Training took place at the University of Tours from July 3 to 7, 2023. 20 international students participated in this course in Tours. This week included 28 hours of face-to-face activities (lectures, tutorials, projects, etc.). The aim of the week was to take the control of a basic ultrasound imaging system […]
Review of the DECEL Training in Tours
As part of #Erasmus+, the University of Tours and Polytech Tours was organising the 1st summer school of the DECEL project (3 to 7 July 2023). ➡ The aim of DECEL (Digital Electronics Collaborative Enhanced Learning): to develop new teaching tools to implement both distance and face-to-face practical work in the field of digital electronics. ✅ […]
[call] DECEL training (C2) in Tours:
July 3rd-7th, 2023 Registration is now open: here In the framework of the DECEL project, co-funded by European Union, we organized in Tours the DECEL week. During five days (July 3rd-7th, 2023), international teams of students will address a common project based on Digital Electronics Systems. Several workshops and webinars will be also proposed during […]
DECEL training C1 at University of Porto:
Applying novel pedagogical methods and tools tothe teaching activity for Digital Electronics Systems 25-27th of January 2023 at University of Porto Over three days, the members of the DECEL project (co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union) consortium and a few guests met to discuss teaching practices, to present what is being done […]
DECEL coordination meeting at University of Alcalá
On Wednesday, November 24, 2022, a coordination meeting of the ERASMUS+ DECEL project was held at the University of Alcala de Henares. We were able to make a state of the art of actions and educational proposals and prepared the next deadlines (workshops, publications, online platform, etc.). COIL activities are on track!