DECEL: Digital Electronics Collaborative Enhanced Learning

DECEL PRIO Module is here !

In order to connect some of our students’ digital electronics classes from the 4 universities involved in the DECEL project consortium, we have developed a super hardware platform that is efficient, minimalist, and allows a wide range of teaching scenarios to be grafted onto it. This Programmable Remote Input/Output (PRIO) module is a microcontroller (Arduino nano) connected via Wifi to an MQTT server, allowing all students to be connected through this network of connected objects. Each module has a standard physical bus with 8 input bits and 8 output bits that can be placed directly on a breadboard. The module is directly compatible with DIGITAL software and can also be used to prototype an electronic circuit on the test board. Educational innovation on the move!

More details:

DECEL PRIO Module PCB (8 Inputs, 8 OUTputs, 2 buttos and 3 LEDs)