DECEL: Digital Electronics Collaborative Enhanced Learning

DECEL Project overview

Digital Electronics Collaborative Enhanced Learning (DECEL) Consortium

DECEL Project is a multi-partners ERASMUS+ project developing novel pedagogical tools applied to Digital Electronics. We target the following objectives:

1.- Including collaborate on-line international learning (COIL) in curricula courses. We would like to promote the student-student interaction from an international perspective. Discovering them that the cooperation with other European colleagues can improve our technical and transversal skills.

2.- To develop a common scheme of real remote labs (RRL) for giving access 24/7 to those resources. Enabling the use of labs to any student from any part of the word.

3.- Development of a common platform to spread the information and resources. Just one hub to concentrate open educational resources (OERs), exporting from other learning management systems

4.- Learning procedures of new pedagogical tools applied to Engineering. We will adapt novel teaching methods to the Engineering field with its features such as the high level of experimentally in these courses (hands-on labs).

5.- Establishing a framework applied to Digital Electronics Systems for its odernization. The definition of a procedure could support further deployments of modernization in other fields of Engineering with similar conditions.

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