DECEL: Digital Electronics Collaborative Enhanced Learning

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  • [call] DECEL training 2024 (C3) in Ferrara

    [call] DECEL training 2024 (C3) in Ferrara

    In the framework of the DECEL project, co-funded by the European Union, we organized in Ferrara (Italy) the second edition of the DECEL week. During five days (September 2 to 6, 2024), international teams of students will address a common project based on Digital Electronics Systems. Several workshops and webinars will be also proposed during […]

  • The first DECEL COIL Activity : shared courses between Univs. Tours and Ferrara

    The first DECEL COIL Activity : shared courses between Univs. Tours and Ferrara

    We’re excited to share the success of the first-ever COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) activity, a joint effort between the University of Ferrara and the University of Tours! This groundbreaking initiative allows students from both institutions to take a deep dive into the world of Xilinx FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) and Vivado Design Suite, […]

  • Documentation and Outcomes of the C2 training in Tours

    Documentation and Outcomes of the C2 training in Tours

    Digital Electronics Collaborative Enhanced Training took place at the University of Tours from July 3 to 7, 2023. 20 international students participated in this course in Tours. This week included 28 hours of face-to-face activities (lectures, tutorials, projects, etc.). The aim of the week was to take the control of a basic ultrasound imaging system […]

  • Review of the DECEL Training in Tours

    Review of the DECEL Training in Tours

    As part of #Erasmus+, the University of Tours and Polytech Tours was organising the 1st summer school of the DECEL project (3 to 7 July 2023). ➡ The aim of DECEL (Digital Electronics Collaborative Enhanced Learning): to develop new teaching tools to implement both distance and face-to-face practical work in the field of digital electronics. ✅ […]

  • DECEL Project overview

    DECEL Project overview

    DECEL Project is a multi-partners ERASMUS+ project developing novel pedagogical tools applied to Digital Electronics. We target the following objectives: 1.- Including collaborate on-line international learning (COIL) in curricula courses. We would like to promote the student-student interaction from an international perspective. Discovering them that the cooperation with other European colleagues can improve our technical […]