DECEL: Digital Electronics Collaborative Enhanced Learning

Review of the DECEL Training in Tours

As part of #Erasmus+, the University of Tours and Polytech Tours was organising the 1st summer school of the DECEL project (3 to 7 July 2023).

First seminar on “Deep learning embedded on STM32” by E. Grandin from ST Microelectronics.

➡ The aim of DECEL (Digital Electronics Collaborative Enhanced Learning): to develop new teaching tools to implement both distance and face-to-face practical work in the field of digital electronics.

✅ During five sessions, students from different institutions in France (Tours), Spain (Alcala), Portugal (Porto) and Italy (Ferrara) carry out the same practical activities in digital electronics on the theme of ultrasound. The aim is to programme an FPGA (field-programmable gate array: a miniaturised electronic circuit – a microprocessor, for example – that can be reprogrammed using a specific computer language) and several software layers in order to obtain an initial ultrasound image using a DiY prototype.

Ultrasound projects implementing HDL, low and high level programming using the Redpitaya board.

We had 5 training day in DECEL #Erasmus+ project week at Tours. At the end, the presentation of results achieved throughout this week. It ended with the awards ceremony for the best imaging strategy proposed. The winners of the week are the authors of the poster entitled: “Underwater objects detection and form recognition through US system” (by
Enrico Rizzi (@University of Ferrara), Jaime Leal (@University of Alcala), Jiacheng CHEN (@University of Tours), Jorge Pais (@University of Porto))

Participants in the DECEL training course in Tours..

Additional to technical training on digital electrónics and systems, it was great to see how well international teams collaborate. Participants rated the overall experience with 90%. Here is one student feedback (Jaime Leal PeñascoJaime Leal Peñasco) about the DECEL training in Tours:

” [view on LinkedIn] During this last week, the DECEL Electronic Engineering Festival took place in the city of Tours. At this event, I had the opportunity to meet and chat with different students and researchers from Université de ToursUniversidade do Porto, and Università degli Studi di Ferrara, as well as spending time with my colleagues from Universidad de Alcalá.

We were able to enjoy lectures by professionals from STMicroelectronics France and Vermon, discussing the current challenges and technologies in the fields of AI, US, and electronic design. As a complement to these talks, a competition was organized among international teams consisting of students from the various involved universities. The challenge required designing a system for detecting submerged shapes underwater using a US sensor and a RedPitaya card. It was undoubtedly a very enjoyable challenge in which I could share diverse ideas, knowledge, and perspectives on engineering with my teammates Jorge PaisJiacheng CHEN and Enrico Rizzi.

I would like to express my gratitude to all the students, professors, and staff involved in the project for making this a unique experience to learn and improve my skills as an engineer. It also allowed me to meet brilliant international engineers and share such an enriching experience with them. Thank you all for your contribution and for creating such a remarkable opportunity.

Wish you the best! 😉”

Note: DECEL project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. 
