DECEL: Digital Electronics Collaborative Enhanced Learning

The first DECEL COIL Activity : shared courses between Tours and Ferrara!

We’re excited to share the success of the first-ever COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) activity, a joint effort between the University of Ferrara and the University of Tours! This groundbreaking initiative allows students from both institutions to take a deep dive into the world of Xilinx FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) and Vivado Design Suite, a powerful design environment for these versatile chips. The first online course was taught by Cristian Zambelli from the University of Ferrara to the engineering master student from the University of Tours (on April 10th 2024). The second one was given by Remi Busseuil to master student from the University of Ferrara (on April 16th 2024).

Here is a snapshot of what’ happened:

Snapshot of the First COIL activity between University of Tours and Ferrara, on April 10th 2024.

Snapshot of the Second COIL activity between University of Ferrara and Tours, on April 16th 2024.

This initiative allows to share expertise: Students from both universities had the opportunity to learn from each other’s professors, gaining valuable insight into different teaching styles and approaches to FPGA programming. Online share course host related documentation and the videos of these sessions (-> FPGA Online Course).
This is just the beginning of many exciting COIL activities planned for the DECEL project. We’ll keep you informed about future joint courses…